Unlike in the past, men are increasingly dealing with eating disorders and 40% of of people who binge eat are men. However many men do not seek treatment for fear of appearing weak, strange, or like less of a “man” and many health professionals fail to screen men for eating disorders as closely as needed. But a man who binge eats needs treatment and support just as a woman does.

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There’s a midpoint between the lazy and feminist portions of my brain that wants to say, “This thing is feminist because I like it.” But I can’t do that. Because then I wouldn’t have to be critical. This is the problem I have with centering conversations around whether something is feminist: It’s the wrong question to be asking about feminism.

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“What has feminism actually accomplished?” We get this question from skeptics a lot. Here’s Cristen Conger with some notable feminist achievements from the last few years. What would you add to the list?

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You’ll see it on signs and banners at abortion rallies: “Keep Abortion Safe, Legal, and Rare.” This sentiment is often championed and portrayed as “something we can all agree on.” But is it really a desire we have, let alone one that we should be making heard? How does this kind of logic affect the abortion movement and all those who seek abortions?

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Fine lines, dull skin, loss of muscle tone, gray hair – all these trappings of a mature body that society has deemed shameful pop up on my radar now more than ever. Some of these traits are starting to show up in my own body and some are yet to arrive, but the messages about their insidiousness are penetrating my consciousness now when they used to just bounce away like so much noise.

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