I knew dying my hair turquoise would draw some attention. Why else would I dye it such a bold colour? I like being different, I like standing out, and I like being unapologetic for who I am. But I didn’t expect it would attract the disgusted looks, unwanted photographs, and sheer hostility that it did.

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The pain of being a feminist in an anti-feminist world is palpable and it stings. Online backlash is one thing. It isn’t deserved or excusable, but it’s expected. But what about when the backlash is in your real life, when it’s from friends or family? It can easily lead to resentment, frustration, and anger. So here are some ideas for self-care to deal with it.

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Is advice for fat sex any different from tips for thin sex? It can be, and these tips can give you some empowering and pleasurable ways to have sex as a fat person.

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How can we better understand white privilege and use this knowledge to make the world better for everyone? To this day, so many conversations about [white] privilege are rendered futile because of an inability to accept that our society systematically uplifts some individuals while marginalizing others. Too often, there is a stubborn refusal to accept…

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