To learn more, check out: 3 Ways To Tell The Difference Between Appreciation of Beauty and Sexual Objectification We’re Taking Lesbian Sexuality Back from the Male Gaze and the Result Is Awesome [do_widget id=’text-101′] M. Slade is a Contributing Comic Artist for Everyday Feminism. He is New York-based cartoonist and illustrator. Aside from creating artwork for…

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The other day a man wrote to me to tell me that I shouldn’t worry—I’m not that ugly, men don’t care. Thanks (not really), but that’s not the point. My disappointment with my appearance, and the squirming, insistent anxiety that I didn’t look right, I didn’t look good enough—those things felt bigger than men.

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We had a lot of awesome feminist moments in 2014! From Mo’ne Davis, Laverne Cox, to Emma Sulkowicz, feminists have been showing up and taking charge in pop culture and the news. Check out this video by Kat Lazo of TheeKatsMeoww for a list of just some of the exciting ways feminists have been smashing the patriarchy and the kyriarchy!

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Not only do I have to deal with the crippling dysphoria that comes from having a body that I often don’t even recognize as my own, I also have to deal with the cultural misogyny that tells me that a woman can’t be as fat as I am and still be desirable. I have to navigate this world where people either feel like my fatness is somehow hurting them or exists only to feed their fetish. And it sucks.

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I am not new to masculinity, but I am new to being a black man. I am new to the experience of male privilege, as well as the disprivilege of race that marks my black male body as suspect. It is the delicate balance between power and criminal that has allowed me to see misogyny in an entirely different light. But because black feminism allows me to love myself, I have learned to love black men.

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Ever feel like people treat you the way they wouldn’t want to be treated? Here a chance to recognize that. Some of our cultural norms reveal that many people operate by some pretty messed up double standards. This comic puts those standards side-by-side so we can understand exactly what’s wrong here and do something to make sure we all get the respect we deserve.

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