Oppression is built into the fabric of our society. Most of the time, we don’t even notice it’s there. The prison system is an excellent example of this. On the surface, things seem fair enough: You commit a crime, you go to jail. Simple. But if you look closely, you can see the ways that we make it a lot harder for marginalized people to stay out of prison.

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Fat person looking absolutely happy

We all love a good, body-positive message, right? That is, if the woman behind the message is relatively thin. If she’s fat, or writes positively about bodies of all sizes, abilities, and more, she gets a tidal wave of criticism. Why? There’s a massive, toxic industry behind it. Here’s how and why we should reject the absurd notion that only weight loss means happiness.

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Typically, we only discuss sexism in terms of gender, but it also has applicability to biases related to sexuality. Monosexism is synonymous with bi/panphobia in many ways because it perpetuates the myth that a person can only truly be attracted to one gender. But someone’s sexuality is not a tool for you to reassert your own social legitimacy at the expense of others.

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Feminism is a creature with many faces these days. But bottom line, the goal is homogenous: Feminism aims for gender equality within a currently patriarchal society. Sometimes it’s just hard to get massive amounts of people to agree exactly what the best means to achieving that goal is. So here is a list of five things that the current movement of feminism absolutely is.

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Star Wars logo

The Force Awakens is the most anticipated movie of 2015, and it’s essential that we make sure the next Star Wars installment gets it right. While racists have made their displeasure about the #blackstormtrooper known, we’re gearing up for the film with these six issues to correct. Use this list to call for a more inclusive galaxy, not a more racist, misogynistic one.

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How can we in the LGBTQIA+ community help fight misogyny? The sad but necessary truth is that we have to start from within. This comic shows how objectification, oppressive beauty standards, and other forms of misogyny show up in LGBTQIA+ communities. Learn why and how we must unlearn these behaviors to create the safe and welcoming space we hope for.

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Person in masculine-presenting clothing, leaning against a wall and looking up toward the camera

You never really forget the day you realize you’re the first of a kind that those around you have ever encountered. That was this author’s experience of being a masculine of center woman in a corporate office complete with assumptions about how gender and sexuality should be presented in the workplace. Here’s a deeper conversation about gender dress codes.

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Don’t let your cellulite, wrinkles, sagging skin, or whatever else hold you back from living a full and active and awesome life. Don’t let media convince you that those body characteristics are shameful, gross, or anything other than 100% normal, healthy, and part of a truly beautiful reality. Let’s redefine beauty for ourselves by making it more inclusive of reality — warts, er…dimples, and all!

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As male feminists, it’s easy to criticize the misogyny of the MRAs. But how often do we turn the lens around? There are stories from every era of the feminism — stories of men talking the talk of feminism, gaining trust, and using that trust to hurt, abuse, and act in profoundly anti-feminist ways. Here are six things we need to do starting right now to fight this.

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