If you’re newly single, you shouldn’t have to feel embarrassed about how you heal – and that includes if you heal in a sexual way or if you choose not to. You might get a lot of advice and judgments. But here’s all the post-breakup bedroom advice you need: a comic to remind you that you know what’s best and healthiest for you, no matter what anyone else says.

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So you’ve figured out that you’re polyamorous. Awesome! But you’re also currently in a monogamous relationship. Uh-oh. Entering into a polyamorous relationship from a previously monogamous one can take work – but not only is it not impossible. It also can lead to healthier, more fulfilling relationships! Check out this comic to learn how to talk to your partner about your polyamory.

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Those of us who experience street harassment know that it’s not a compliment; it’s dehumanizing. But some people still insist that we should be flattered by these catcalls, claiming they “wish they got that kind of attention.” This comic shows what street harassment really looks like, and demonstrates why, no, you really don’t want this kind of attention.

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“I can’t be racist!” The people who say this often have good intentions – and a huge misunderstanding about how racism works. One of the biggest threats to our social justice work is the way oppression goes unnoticed in our day-to-day lives. So here’s a comic that names ten of the top lies about racism for what they really are, so we can finally move past them.

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