Like adventure stories and taking down oppression? Then this comic is for you! It shows how kyriarchy works – as one big beast led by multiple systems that work together to keep us all down. And it also gives us some insight on what we’ve all been looking for, the key to defeating this oppressive beast so we can all live happily and harmoniously together.

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Even with the best of intentions, era-themed parties patronized predominately by white people can be awkward and exclusive for guest of color. This is especially true if the chosen era takes place during a time of blatant racial oppression. Check out this comic to learn more about how these parties can be unintended, yet still harmful, racial microaggressions.

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How can we better understand white privilege and use this knowledge to make the world better for everyone? To this day, so many conversations about [white] privilege are rendered futile because of an inability to accept that our society systematically uplifts some individuals while marginalizing others. Too often, there is a stubborn refusal to accept…

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Gender identity is a deeply personal issue that many people still have trouble understanding and respecting. Unlearning restrictive binary genders is a process, but one that is well worth the effort. This comic highlights the importance of looking past restrictive ideas of gender and embracing the idea that every identity is ‘real’ and deserves to…

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