General society would have us believe that gender (and sexuality, and romantic attraction, and countless other identifiers) exist within a binary system. But the reality is that identity is much more complicated than that. And the concept of multidimensional spectra can be overwhelming. Check out this video for an introduction into the spectra of identity!

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I know the media depiction of sororities is less than favorable. If those movies and television shows were my sole source of information, I probably wouldn’t know any better either. And while I would like to say that the stereotypes they create don’t exist, I would be lying. Stereotypes derive from somewhere. But my problem has been dealing with the burden they place on those who don’t fit them.

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Yes, we need to talk about the impact religion has on our culture and ideas of gender, even if that means we have to touch a touchy subject. But because religion is so intertwined with culture and ethnic identity, any and all open criticism of religion needs to be handled with care. Here are four things to keep in mind when being critical of religion.

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(Trigger warning: rape). Rolling Stone’s recent retraction of a story about campus rape was a disaster, and not for reasons you might think. Rape survivors already face way too many barriers when it comes to getting help, including the risk that they they won’t be believed. Check out this video for insight on why Rolling Stone’s handling of the situation just makes those barriers worse.

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A recent study finds that girls who’ve suffered sexual harassment often see it as “normal stuff” that “just happens” because it’s what “guys do.” Translation: they frame their own experiences of harassment based on cultural notions about what gender and sexuality are — or should be. Sad, then, isn’t it, that those cultural notions are often bullshit.

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