Not only do I have to deal with the crippling dysphoria that comes from having a body that I often don’t even recognize as my own, I also have to deal with the cultural misogyny that tells me that a woman can’t be as fat as I am and still be desirable. I have to navigate this world where people either feel like my fatness is somehow hurting them or exists only to feed their fetish. And it sucks.

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Unfortunately, patriarchy still exists. And it often manifests in casual ways that tend to go unnoticed by the majority of people. And women aren’t the only ones who suffer under this everyday patriarchy. Everyone does. It limits their range of experiences and diminishes their worth as humans. This plays out in everyday life far more often than we realize.

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Despite all of the gains the LGBTQIA+ community has made, bisexual people are still looked upon with confusion — or outright scorn — by gay, lesbian, and straight people alike. Here we are in the supposedly enlightened year of 2014 – and yet, biphobia persists. Here are a few tiresome lies society really needs to stop telling about bisexual people.

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It’s the affirmation that every woman allegedly wants and even needs to hear: “You’re beautiful.” Like many girls, this author aspired to be beautiful. If she wasn’t beautiful, she thought, how could she put my best self forward? How could she designate herself as worthy of someone’s time? Not feeling beautiful becomes almost threatening. Which prompts the question: Why?

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I hear it all too often: “I’m not racist, but I just wouldn’t date [insert race/ethnicity].” If you have to start a sentence with a clarification that you’re not racist, that’s a pretty good indicator that you need to reevaluate whatever you’re about to say. You can’t know whether or not you have chemistry with someone unless you get to know them. So be open-minded.

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An Online Training from Everyday Feminism & Crossroads Beyond Diversity: How to Build a Truly Anti-Racist Organization Understand How Your Organization is Complicit in Systemic Racism and White Supremacy Culture Sign-up for instant access OUR MOST POPULAR ONLINE TRAINING Used by hundreds of universities, non-profits, businesses, and government agencies. including: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) University…

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