With rare exceptions, no one who is throwing a party spends the time, energy, and money so that people will get assaulted. Yet there is a clear connection between college party culture and sexual violence. To mitigate the risk, most colleges simply take a punitive approach (with varying levels of alcohol education thrown in) to alcohol on campus. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

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As awareness of gay relationships is rising, there’s one group that often gets ignored: bisexual people. Many people can’t grasp that sexual attraction doesn’t have to be limited to one gender. And this can lead to some internal conflicts for bi folks. In this video, one bisexual activist shares her experiences of not feeling queer enough for the queer community.

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I was raised to believe that I should only be with one person. Anything else wasn’t moral. But when you don’t know that it’s your birthright to love and express your emotions in whatever way your heart desires, how is one supposed to discover that there are infinite choices? I stumbled across the world of polyamory five years ago, and it has forever altered the way I see my connection with others.

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You might ask yourself how you can be a righteous, authentic feminist, waving the flag for body-positivity, even though you’re struggling with an eating disorder. Well, as this article explains, feminism isn’t about being ashamed of yourself or your process. It’s about owning your truth and sharing it. You (and your story) are a critical part of this revolution!

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Most articles about being a good lover begin with “How to Please Your Man” directives. Not this one. The heart of being a good lover starts with communication and self-awareness, making sure that you always carry a self-awareness and communication tool-kit. So here are a few more pointers that I’ve developed on how to take a feminist approach to good loving.

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Fatphobia is real, and fat acceptance activism is seriously needed. In a culture where systematic oppression against fat bodies exists, fat is absolutely a feminist issue. But in case you’re still dubious, here are five facts about our fatphobic society to serve as a guide for the disbelievers.

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Virginity, supposedly, is sacred. But I have news for you: It doesn’t have to be. All it takes is a little bit of myth-busting, a little bit of education, and we can turn around the conversation about virginity. So let me help you navigate through the murky waters of these four myths about virginity. Join me. We’re long overdue.

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