In general, our society is moving toward a more accepting framework, and people seem to be more interested in becoming culturally aware. But in a misguided attempt to appreciate other cultures, many socially progressive folks end up exoticizing people of different cultures. Check out this hilarious satire to see what it sounds like when the roles are reversed.

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Saying “I am a feminist” causes several kinds of reactions when coming from me, a male. Ranging from an inquisitive if not suspicious “why?” to sweet praise borne not out of understanding, but rather out of amazement if not amusement. And yet the one reaction I’ve always wanted, “So what? Think you’re special? Who isn’t?”, is one I’ve sadly yet to experience. But here’s why I’m a feminist.

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There are all sorts of ways to be a feminist in today’s world. If we erased all the ways in which we are different, we would lose so much strength in the movement. We won’t end sexism without addressing all oppressions; we can’t work together until we agree that none of us are free until we’re all free. But how can we work together at this point?

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Online dating has never been more popular, perhaps because it enables you to choose who you want to chat to. So throw the traditional dating rulebook out of the window and make the first move on the candidates on your hot list. If you fancy a date with someone, ask them! Read on for some tips for making the best out of your online dating adventures.

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How can I pick what to watch without feeling like I’m condoning all of the sexist hoopla draped all over the majority of videos I might choose? Masturbation isn’t supposed to be this morally fraught, right? If it’s such a hassle, you might say, why not forgo the pornography parade altogether? It’s pretty simple: I like porn. The porn industry, on the other hand, is a whole different beast.

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Person covering ears and screaming

Folks in the media are notorious for saying abysmal things about survivors of sexual violence. But for most survivors, it doesn’t take a media spotlight to beget insensitive, uninformed, and downright erroneous remarks about their experiences. Unfortunately, it’s something they face every day. So here are some things we should stop saying to survivors – immediately.

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A person scratches their head in confusion

Men can make positive contributions to feminism, but are there drawbacks to celebrating men just for calling themselves feminists? This author grappled with his own relationship to feminism as he wondered what it means to hold feminist men accountable. Find out how he learned that contributing to the movement means so much more than just calling himself a feminist.

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One person staring ominously straight while another's hand is placed over their mouth, quieting them

(Trigger Warning: Intimate partner violence, sexual assault) Family violence affects people of all backgrounds. So don’t all survivors deserve support? With her story, one woman exposes the terrible truth about the racism and stigma aboriginal survivors face when they try to pursue safety and justice. Read her powerful story of surviving intimate partner and sexual abuse, and let’s advocate for justice for all survivors.

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Rape songs, rape jokes, rape scenes. It’s alarming to recognize how much rape is embedded in United States culture. To change this, we have to speak up about it – which is exactly what these awe-inspiring poets did. With this spoken word piece, witness the fierce courage it takes to stand up to rape culture, call out the offending songs, and stop singing along. [Trigger Warning]

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One of the most obnoxious forms of ignorance that LGBTQ people face is identity policing, which often manifests as other people providing “theories” to explain your sexuality. Being queer means that people always feel entitled to an explanation — or worse, they think they know better. Let’s go through the various, ridiculous incarnations of queer identity police.

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People in queer relationships are often subjected to a barrage of ignorance from the straight community. The most annoying is: “Who’s the man and who’s the woman?” Ah yes, because as queer-identified people, the first thing we want you to do is shoehorn normative gender roles into our relationship! But believe it or not, it’s none of your business.

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I’m not saying that it makes sense for everyone to center all conversations around the patriarchy and drop everything to get a Master’s in Gender Studies. That would probably leave you friendless and broke. As selfish as it sounds, it can be helpful to ask “What’s in it for me?” And human issues are all interconnected, so making someone else’s life easier can help you, indirectly or otherwise.

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