Humanism and feminism are not mutually exclusive and can coexist. A vested interest in general human welfare is an implicit goal of feminism. If you’re helping women, you’re helping people. Some might prefer to call this humanitarianism, humanism, or being-a-decent-human-being-ism, but many of us are content to call it feminism. And there’s nothing exclusionary about that.

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Rape songs, rape jokes, rape scenes. It’s alarming to recognize how much rape is embedded in United States culture. To change this, we have to speak up about it – which is exactly what these awe-inspiring poets did. With this spoken word piece, witness the fierce courage it takes to stand up to rape culture, call out the offending songs, and stop singing along. [Trigger Warning]

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I was lying in bed when suddenly, I heard a blood-curdling scream. “STOP IT!” the voice said. “PLEASE, STOP IT.” Thankfully some bystanders stopped the man who had his arms around the woman’s neck from behind. I soon learned that he had attacked her because she didn’t respond favorably to his street harassment. And there are still people who say it’s not a legitimate issue?!? (Trigger warning)

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The Internet is very much a public space – with all of the same sexism, racism, homophobia, and transphobia of our streets, but often, much worse. Women are the targets of a lot of this ugliness. Not unlike street harassment in the way we feel its hovering, ominous presence and the way it can control our actions — or at least try to — online harassment is an issue to be taken seriously.

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There’s this unspoken pressure within the black community to present a “respectable” image of blackness at all times. And I get that. We want to be represented, we want to be valued, and we want to be seen as human, and when we know that we as a race are being denigrated for whatever reason, we want to push back against that. But that’s bullshit. Here’s why.

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This article was originally published on The Establishment and republished here with the author’s permission. I came out as fat to myself about five years ago. I also came out as bisexual to myself around the same time. Both were gradual and mutual processes. “I think that there is a coming out process around being fat that…

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One of the most obnoxious forms of ignorance that LGBTQ people face is identity policing, which often manifests as other people providing “theories” to explain your sexuality. Being queer means that people always feel entitled to an explanation — or worse, they think they know better. Let’s go through the various, ridiculous incarnations of queer identity police.

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Recently, an acquaintance invited me to a party. “It’s just for women and we will have a male stripper, but you can come since you’re gay.” I politely declined. Black, gay, and recently married are just a few of my identities. Identities are constantly changing and are largely self-created. Allies need to fully understand, respect, and encourage this belief.

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Person screaming

(Content Warning: Sexual assault) Have you ever ignored something awful because saying something would cause a scene? Women are taught to put people at ease and be liked – but this can make us prioritize the comfort of others over our own needs. This article can inspire you to do the opposite: to make a scene when it’s necessary to take care of your needs. You deserve to take care of you.

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This article originally appeared in The Huffington Post. It was lightly edited and reposted here with the author’s permission. Google “toxic masculinity” and you’re likely to stumble across Ben Shapiro’s National Review article The ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Smear, where he discusses the Left’s war on masculinity and manhood. If you can power through the part where he…

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