You probably know the internet’s blowing up about Patricia Arquette. She spoke up at the Oscars about a really important issue – wage equality. So why all the criticism? Here’s what you need to know about what’s going on with her and other celebrities who speak up on sociopolitical issues – what she did right, where she went wrong, and why we should call her in.

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The unfortunate reality is that few schools are safe spaces for LGBTQ students. When I facilitate professional development sessions for teachers on building inclusive environments for diverse student populations, it’s clear most teachers want to be as supportive as possible to LGBTQ students, but aren’t sure how best to do so. So I’ve compiled a list of 10 things teachers can do to create a more inclusive classroom environment for LGBTQ students.

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I grew up learning that the only way to deal with bullies is to ignore them, the sort of I’m-rubber-you’re-glue rhetoric that conflict-avoiders love. To acknowledge a fear of catcalling strangers, even among friends, feels a bit like letting the bullies win. But I’m starting to realize that fear is a powerful weapon, too, in that it can unite people against a common enemy.

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Arrow pointing to feet on a weighing scale, urging "STOP!"

Who comes to mind when you think of eating disorders? Eating disorders don’t discriminate, but myths about them leave many people out – including mothers. Read one mom’s story of post-partum depression and a pressured post-pregnancy diet that led to an eating disorder. There’s no sure way to prevent an eating disorder, but we can learn from her recovery and parenting precautions.

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Though coming out as queer and/or trans can be empowering, homophobia and transphobia often ostracize people from their families and cultural spaces. While this type of loss is deeply painful for all who experience it, it’s even more arduous when exacerbated by the racism, xenophobia, and systemic and legislative violence that comes with being Latinx in the US.

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The experience of black folks is excluded from an endless list of discussions; one such discussion is that around the topic of eating disorders. Do black people have eating disorders? How is their relationship with food related to race? And how are these experiences valued in the community? Hear the opinions of dozens of black folks on these questions.

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Here’s the thing: Fat-shaming is not about health. And navigating a health issue while being fat (or supporting someone who is) can be a difficult journey. But realize that there is hope and that you deserve to be treated with respect by all health professionals. So how, exactly, can we navigate fat-shaming from health professionals when it’s not the fat’s fault?

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