CW: Addiction, Sexual Assault, Sex… in general. This article is about sex. I have always had a negative relationship with sex. I discovered masturbating early, around six or seven years old. I would use masturbating combined with my active imagination and constant daydreaming as a way to escape the loneliness and isolation I felt not…

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Empty, messy bed

“Let’s talk about (fat) sex!” We don’t talk about it nearly enough, but it’s an important part of both sex positivity and body positivity. Just think of all the ways sexuality is stripped from people who are considered fat. Now read this introduction to “Sex at Every Size,” a new set of practices to help us move beyond society’s limits and feel sexy at any size.

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The beauty ideal has changed over time, but the idea that there is only one way to have a beautiful body has not. The current one necessitates thinness. Until we’ve accomplished thinness, we are works in progress, and that there is no excuse for not participating in this. It’s not about policing how we look, they tell us. It’s for our health, for our own good! As if.

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When Amy arrived at college, she hardly identified as a feminist. Conversely, when Erin arrived at college, she was already a full-fledged feminist activist. Now Amy and Erin are both in college – one conservative and one liberal – and they see the need for some advice on how to be a collegiate feminist activist, regardless of your environment. This article is it.

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The winter holidays are upon us and whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, or Yule you are probably going to be giving a gift sometime this month. Children are bombarded with limiting, negative messages in the media but you can buy gifts that show a different way to think about the world. For help, check out our list of gifts for the under 10 year feminist crowd.

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Feminism has many important causes, one of which is fostering healthier body image. But some have argued that this cause is not “important enough” to warrant the attention that body image activists demand. If you’ve ever thought of body image activism as a lesser movement in feminism, check out Melissa A. Fabello’s video on the topic. You may learn something.

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You judge people. But how many of the judgments that you make about other people based on appearances alone are likely to be accurate, kind, or worthwhile when they don’t meet the standards you place on yourself? If you’re someone who’s still struggling with these negative thoughts, here are some things to think about when it comes to judging and accepting body diversity.

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