Illustration of a person in a faceless crowd, looking entirely overwhelmed and anxious

How does the stigma against mental illness impact you and the rest of our society? Stigmas and silencing protect a hurtful status quo, causing the most harm against those who are most in need of support. So how can you respond? Read on to learn why we must show compassion to combat stigma – and why you have to start with showing compassion to yourself.

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Body acceptance is not about disregarding your health. Its about loving and accepting your body and wanting to take care of it. There is no such thing as a “good” or “bad” body, and it is important to listen to your body and all the signs and signals it provides you. Accept yourself and your beautiful form, and this will encourage those you interact with to love their bodies as well.

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Growing up a brown Muslim girl in the United States is almost paradoxical: You are at the same time desexualized and hypersexualized. I think that all brown girls – especially Muslim girls – go through this. You don’t look exactly right. You don’t fit in; you’re squeezing through the cracks, the same way your ass is squeezing out of the back of the two-piece swimsuit your mom wouldn’t let you buy.

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Although they do a majority of their learning through observation of their peers in social situations, children’s groundwork for understanding gender is largely influenced by the adults they see in their family systems. If you don’t talk about gender, children will learn society’s gender model. Here are five ways to facilitate your child’s gender autonomy.

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There are relatively no inclusions of a father figure in the majority of social media depictions of parenthood, and that has the ability to be detrimental to the family as a whole. I believe that there is a disservice being done towards the fathers and potential fathers in a family. Here are three ways that we can promote parental equality.

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“Agender” by definition means “someone without gender,” and falls under the big, colorful trans umbrella. While the identity is easily summed up in a sentence or two, the concept is where people seem to get lost. So, here’s a guide to the most common assumptions, faux pas, and outright weird notions about people who are agender that pop up in everyday life.

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When we lose this comparison battle, we feel bad, jealous, envious, and less than whole. When we win the comparison battle, we feel a bit of satisfaction mixed with an underlying fear that we may have won this battle, but what if things change and we lose out next time? In essence, comparing yourself to others is always a losing game. So here’s how to stop comparing and start enjoying what you’ve got.

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“Lose 20 pounds, and you’ll feel better.” “If you started exercising, this wouldn’t be a problem.” If you aren’t thin, chances are you’ve gone to the doctor’s office about a lingering cold, or a hurt elbow and had to listen to comments like these from your doctor. These situations can be awkward, and triggering. So can we handle them in the moment?

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