All too often, media portrayals of the mentally ill reflect our culture’s fear and ignorance about mental illness. Seeing so many stereotyped fictional characters with mental illness can impact how we see real people with mental illnesses. To help separate fact from fiction, here are some media-perpetuated myths so you don’t project them onto people with mental illness.

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Can you know someone’s beliefs by looking at them? Join Shug and Fats as they hit the streets to find out. Enjoy their off-beat humor and empowering style as they explore our ideas about what a feminist looks like and what a person’s appearance says about their beliefs. This conversation can challenge our assumptions and help us all feel free to be our true selves.

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What’s it’s like to date a feminist? Here’s an honest interview with someone who knows: boyfriend of self-described part-time feminist vlogger, full-time sass machine Marina Watanabe. Even if you’re familiar with feminist dating, you’ll want to catch his hilarious answers to her hard-hitting questions and get a little more enlightened about everyday feminist life.

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If you’re newly single, you shouldn’t have to feel embarrassed about how you heal – and that includes if you heal in a sexual way or if you choose not to. You might get a lot of advice and judgments. But here’s all the post-breakup bedroom advice you need: a comic to remind you that you know what’s best and healthiest for you, no matter what anyone else says.

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Just say “no” – it’s easy to say, difficult to do. We’ve been socialized to value other people’s needs and feelings, often more than our own. So much so that many of us have a hard time knowing what we feel and want in any given situation. But the beauty of having a firm “no” is that it allows you to say “yes” to the things you do want in your life. So here’s some tips on how to say “no.”

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Make no mistake: There is serious stigma around mental health. People are misinformed about what it is, how it’s caused, and how it can be treated. As a result, people are hesitant to consider seeking the help they need. Check out this video in which vlogger Marina Watanabe shares her story of how she came to terms with her depression and started to manage it.

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Having sex is not obligatory, nor does it lead to the ultimate state of bliss. It’s neither as ideal nor as demonic as some would have you believe. There also isn’t one way to experience it. There is no one way to experience sexuality, and attempts to shame or stigmatize people for a lack of sex or attraction, even indirectly, are fraught with assumptions about how things “should” be.

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Person gloriously showing off their hairy under arms

Body hair is perfectly normal, so why do we get the message that it’s disgusting and unhygienic? The idea that people can monitor and police other people’s bodies is really messed up. Take it from this author, whose transition taught him that no one’s body fits expectations. Read about his love for his body and get inspired to love your own wild and lovely self.

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Homophobia and transphobia can combine to make queer and trans* immigrants bear the brunt of the U.S.’s already racist and xenophobic immigration laws. Learn how US immigration law impacts the most vulnerable members of our community and how queer and trans* rights activists can be involved in coalition building with immigrant rights’ groups to pass comprehensive immigration reform.

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Make no mistake: I was not always a bathing suit enthusiast! But this year, I bought my very own fatkini in week one of beach season. “Holy lemon bars, what is a fatkini, Virgie?” you may be asking. It’s a trendy moniker for a two-piece bathing suit for fat girls – often involving high-waisted bottoms. If you haven’t heard of the fatkini phenomenon, ghurl, you’ve got to get on this trend.

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The experience of black folks is excluded from an endless list of discussions; one such discussion is that around the topic of eating disorders. Do black people have eating disorders? How is their relationship with food related to race? And how are these experiences valued in the community? Hear the opinions of dozens of black folks on these questions.

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