Just like anti-perspirant marketers had to convince people that underarm sweat and smell is disgusting and kept you from getting dates and jobs, diet marketers had to convince people that fat is disgusting and kept you from dates and jobs. They turned a normal thing – bodily diversity – into a pathology. They keyed in to people’s deepest fears of social ostracism and made scads of money in the process.

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I know many religious homeschoolers. I also know many non-religious ones. I am happy to tell you that a homeschooled child has a great education; a great life filled with community interaction, volunteering, cultural immersion; and the opportunity to follow their passion. Homeschooling is a joyous lifestyle for many people, and it’s a beautiful choice that we get to make.

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I’ll be the first to admit that in the roster of my personal values, “tradition” and “convention” are solidly near the bottom of my list. Consequently, my gut reaction to engagement rings is bafflement. Of all the customs surrounding weddings, why is one of the most revered symbols of marriage a tangible reminder of the sexist history of the institution?

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Long hair, turquoise athletic shorts, shaved legs. I sound like a girl, right? I’m not. Why? Because I don’t identify as one. And although it really is as simple as that, I understand where some people have trouble: “If you express yourself in this way,” they wonder, “then doesn’t that imply that that is how you identify?” But the truth is, well, no.

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Animosity over cultural differences can lead to anything from bully and stereotyping, to war and genocide. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We take in prejudice slowly and silently through socialization. But because we learn prejudice, we can also unlearn it. Here are a few ways you can fight oppression and practice communal harmony in your everyday life.

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If you’re coming to terms with your privilege, you’re probably feeling uncomfortable. And that’s okay (really!). Now you have a choice: avoid the discomfort by rejecting the truth, or roll with it and take action. Here’s some action to start with: Read through these thoughts you might have in this ongoing process. Trust us. It’s worth the discomfort.

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