When I first told people that my husband was having an affair, I got a few different reactions. Some blamed me for his infidelity; others thought I was weak to consider staying. But I don’t think these are the only options. Here’s what I want you to know if you are ever involved in or asked to support a friend in a painful infidelity aftermath.

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Social media is a great facilitator for interaction with the media. But I have to be honest: some of my fellow Internet activists have their work cut out for them when it comes to their social networking rants, namely those critiquing pop culture. Here are some ideas to keep in mind the next time you need to type out a diatribe about the latest media sensation.

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As this video demonstrates, racist acts are protected by the people who silently witness those instances without interfering. Not engaging lets oppressive folks know that they can continue their behavior and reminds the oppressed that they aren’t welcome, safe, or valued. So, when you notice racism happening, even if you’re scared, be an ally and shut it down.

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