Society tells us to be quiet and deal with the trauma of sexual violence alone. This complacency allows for continued violence, loneliness, and delayed healing. However, creating community through sharing our history with sexual violence is an empowering and revolutionary act of self love. Check out this article for strategies on how to safely share your story.

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Labels can be both useful and harmful — it depends on where and how we use those labels. Some people, however, advocate that we put labels to rest. They seem to think we’re perpetuating victimization and divisiveness. But here’s the thing: Labels don’t cause inequality. People do. This attitude just stands in the way of accountability and anti-oppression work.

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Growing up, most of what I saw in the media suggested that older individuals were all the same — lonely, dependent, and suffering. Little did I know that these depictions run rampant throughout the media and are part of the problem of ageism. And it’s time to alter things. Let’s change the way that our youth-centric society thinks about getting older.

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