I’m not going to tell you that labels are for soup cans, although I understand that sentiment. But the secret that no one is telling you is this: This is who you are, and your experience is valid – with or without a label affixed. But for everyone who’s got a hold on identifying their feelings, but needs help figuring out a label, let’s talk about it.

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You know that not only does domestic violence in the trans community play out in slightly different ways, but trans survivors often face obstacles when trying to access resources. It’s not easy to approach a loved one about their abusive relationship. But you don’t need to be an expert. You just need to be there.

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Tween girls are too often silenced about their own girlhood, leading to their behaviors being determined by how comfortable or uncomfortable someone else seems to be with what they say or do. Here are a few prevalent but toxic messages to watch out for and some constructive alternatives to help encourage them to get in touch with their voice and speak up.

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I’m on welfare. If you don’t live in the US, let explain the connotation of that word: It is said like the lowest and most disgusting thing ever. People here say “she’s on welfare” they way they’d say “she kills baby seals.” The response I’ve gotten from some people has been eye opening. That’s when I knew I had to speak out about my own experiences.

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Those of us who experience street harassment know that it’s not a compliment; it’s dehumanizing. But some people still insist that we should be flattered by these catcalls, claiming they “wish they got that kind of attention.” This comic shows what street harassment really looks like, and demonstrates why, no, you really don’t want this kind of attention.

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Choosing whether or not to report sexual assault shouldn’t be a matter of choosing the lesser of two evils. But it is. Staying silent often means the issue is never addressed, but when survivors speak up, they’re met with blame and skepticism. It’s a catch-22. This comic by Jim C. Hines perfectly captures how unfair and harmful this double standard is.

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