I used to be overcome with guilt at the thought of being an artist, a writer since it doesn’t guarantee status or a regular paycheck. Having worked as migrant laborer since a child, I grew up associating my worth with work and writing as gratuitous and useless. Since then I’ve been figuring out how to follow my dreams. I’m not fully living off of my art yet but I’d like to pass on some advice that have helped me.

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Have you ever been defined through a calm waters lens? You know the type, right? That “Why does she always have to make shit so uncomfortable for everybody by speaking out?” type. Surely, there are moments when the best thing to do is to shut up and wait for safety. But don’t default to that logic, because your safety and your enslavement aren’t always the only two choices you have.

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The silence of a missing young girl named Relisha Rudd, of the 276 Nigerian school girls half a world away from her, and of the thousands of child sufferers of abuse, assault, and abduction unwillingly call us to a greater understanding of how to protect our young. Thankfully, experts in violence against children — and survivors of childhood violence — are speaking up.

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Don’t let your cellulite, wrinkles, sagging skin, or whatever else hold you back from living a full and active and awesome life. Don’t let media convince you that those body characteristics are shameful, gross, or anything other than 100% normal, healthy, and part of a truly beautiful reality. Let’s redefine beauty for ourselves by making it more inclusive of reality — warts, er…dimples, and all!

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As important as self-care can be, for many of us, communal care is equally as vital. Healing community is about holding space: holding space for love, care, reflection, laughter, crying, feeling what we’re feeling, dancing, screaming, sorting through, moving past, sitting with, or for whatever else we may need.

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Person with finger held to lips, shushing

What have you heard about transexual people living in “stealth?” Misconceptions about “passing” are common among everyone – including cis and straight folks, LGBQIA+ people, and other trans people. These false ideas undermine the very valid reasons why transexuals make their own choices about how they show up in the world. Here’s an article to help us get it right.

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Being a first-generation college student is hard. You don’t have the same access or resources as your peers, AND you might find yourself feeling disconnected from your family or place of origin. This article provides some great ideas that will not only help make the process feel easier and more safe, they will also help hold you accountable to your new privilege.

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