“What kind of Indian are you?” “Do you live in teepees?” “If I had an Indian name, it would be Tail Feather, because I can shake it!” This satirical video captures the unfortunate truth of what too many people say to Native people, and the result is hilarious. Watch now to learn common stereotypical beliefs that come with conversations about Native culture.

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How do you feel when you hear “one size fits all?” Excitement? Dread? The truth is, so many of us don’t fit, and then it’s one more reason to feel bad about our bodies. So if you don’t fit, don’t feel bad. Catch this video with women of varying body types trying on these clothes to remember that you’re not alone – and have some laughs while you’re at it.

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Fatphobia is so rampantly internalized that many people justify their attraction to fat people by comparing them to non-human objects. It turns the possibility of mutual desire and appreciation into fetish. In this spoken word performance, Samantha Peterson rejects the dehumanizing nuance of supposedly metaphorical compliments and reclaims her body’s agency, humanity, and beauty.

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In general, our society is moving toward a more accepting framework, and people seem to be more interested in becoming culturally aware. But in a misguided attempt to appreciate other cultures, many socially progressive folks end up exoticizing people of different cultures. Check out this hilarious satire to see what it sounds like when the roles are reversed.

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