This article was originally published on JewSchool and reposted here with the author’s permission. Jewish Fear Jewish fear is that buzzing feeling in our bones that won’t let us sleep at night because we don’t know when it will come next. Jewish fear is American Neo-Nazis chanting “Blood and Soil” on American soil. In living…

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Exactly two years ago, I sat apprehensively in the reception area of the public health clinic, waiting for my name to be called. I remember looking around the room at the other trans girls sitting nearby. I couldn’t wait to be just like them. Two years and 4,860 pills later, I now realize how little I actually understood back then. Today, I’d like to share ten lessons that I wish I had known.

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Our social movements have failed to reach a transformational level of change. In part, this is due to how we don’t address our own privilege or prioritize supporting and lifting up marginalized voices to the social change table. And until we do, our work will not achieve lasting structural changes – where those being impacted are leading the fight for their own communities, supported by allies.

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A group of friends laughing together

With US American society as it is – where things are expected to be open and available for any amount of poking and scrutiny – being an introvert isn’t exactly easy. This culture has been built for extroverts, often leaving introverts behind and feeling less-than. Check out this article to see how extroverts benefit from their social privileges on a regular basis.

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