Person with their hand on their cheek in tought, with a thought bubble coming out from their head

There’s been a lot of talk lately critiquing call-out culture – and a lot of the concerns are valid. But is calling in always the answer? Or can that sometimes reproduce oppression inside social justice movements? Read this to get the lowdown on when each approach might be useful by centering on how to be most survivor-centered and how to achieve the results you want.

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This article was originally published on Threads of Solidarity and was republished here with the author’s permission. Editor’s Note: While this article focuses specifically on Latinx immigration issues, we acknowledge that non-Latinx immigrants of color face similar challenges. Imagine a government that kidnaps, tortures, rapes, and kills. Now imagine one that forces people into slavery. These horrors sound like things that happen…

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When people publicly share their personal experiences of depression, I feel encouraged. I see fellow sufferers expressing gratitude that they no longer feel alone. But I often wonder if non-depressed people are even listening to this conversation. So I’m going to explain what depression is like based on my experience, and ask you to try to envision what the spiral feels like.

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Lots of folks think fat-shaming is perfectly acceptable. More than that, lots of folks think fat-shaming is actually a good thing, because with shame as a motivator, perhaps those darn fat people will stop being so fat. It doesn’t work, though — shame is not a catalyst for change. It is a paralytic. Anyone who has ever carried extreme personal shame knows this.

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Chances are that you might be travelling to Hawaii for a vacation in the near future — and lucky you! Hawaii is amazing. But Hawaii is also an actual residence for people, and it’s important for us to recognize the harmful stereotypes we often perpetuate when we talk about Hawaii. So let me tell you a little about Hawaii and Native Hawaiians to prepare you for your journey.

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There’s a lot of misinformation still out there about vaginal sexual response and what is considered “normal,” driven home by patriarchal ideals about what vaginal orgasm “should” look like. This leads people with vaginas to second-guess their own bodies and forget that they too experience and deserve sexual satisfaction – for their own sake.

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I am most certainly plus-size at 5’6″ and 260 pounds; a size 18 in most stores. I’m pretty damn fat and unabashedly so. But all bodies–large, small, and everything in between–pay dearly for the negativity in which fat bodies are perceived. So I’m here to explain to the world the 6 things that are often misunderstood about the fat acceptance movement.

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