I can’t think of an instance where someone (a client, a friend, myself) hated something into changing. Not one. Single. Instance. It doesn’t create change. If anything, it only creates more stress. If you really want to change a habit, or a situation, or how you feel about yourself, the only route that will bring you any peace is to start with acceptance.

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Now, although I love investing emotionally in movies, I am always cognizant that they show the before and after transformation quickly, never expounding upon the work that it takes to reach the end goal. And I always recognized that this part was unrealistic. But it made me wonder: How was I supposed to figure out what I wanted to be? How was I supposed to achieve it?

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It seems that every year around this time, I get gazillions of e-mails from folks who are nervous about the holidays. Explaining to your family that you don’t want to know the number of calories in pecan pie, or that – yes – you have put on a little weight, and it’s totally okay, may not be your idea of a fun holiday. So what can you do to survive through it? I’ve got some ideas.

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Kids are, allegedly, getting fatter. But not a single study shows that weight loss works for more than 5% of people, and, by the way, despite fears about obesity, U.S. life expectancy continues to rise. So why are people continuing to fixate on childhood obesity? I think maybe because it’s obscuring a much bigger, scarier issue. This issue being childhood poverty.

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The only way to begin to understand unique intersections of identity is to listen to the perspectives of people who’ve lived those experiences. So to learn what it’s like to be Black and gay, you have to listen to the stories of Black gay and lesbian folks. In this video, members of the Black queer community speak up about the unique trials and triumphs they’ve faced.

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Do you know who threw the first punch at Stonewall? Do you know when the movement changed from “liberation” to “pride,” and why? If you care about justice for LGBTQIA+ communities, you have to know this history. Don’t miss these crucial lessons from Laverne Cox on why we must fight transphobia and end patriarchy, racism, and classism in the LGBTQIA+ community.

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