Why do we diet? The truth is people diet for various reasons. You can have a healthy diet out of fear or love. This is something that both larger and smaller people can do since just because someone is thinner doesn’t mean they’re necessarily healthy. Allow me to explain.

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There’s this unspoken pressure within the black community to present a “respectable” image of blackness at all times. And I get that. We want to be represented, we want to be valued, and we want to be seen as human, and when we know that we as a race are being denigrated for whatever reason, we want to push back against that. But that’s bullshit. Here’s why.

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I grew up learning that the only way to deal with bullies is to ignore them, the sort of I’m-rubber-you’re-glue rhetoric that conflict-avoiders love. To acknowledge a fear of catcalling strangers, even among friends, feels a bit like letting the bullies win. But I’m starting to realize that fear is a powerful weapon, too, in that it can unite people against a common enemy.

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There are so many beautiful intersections of LGBTQIA identity and love. This photo-series captures and celebrates the beauty of how contemporary Femme and Butch people express and love themselves, both autonomously and in relationship to each other. There is so much joy, passion, and pride in these pictures. This is what liberation looks like.

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A key part of patriarchy is that men shouldn’t feel or express their feelings, except when they’re angry. With pervasive messages like “boys don’t cry” and “man up,” guys often don’t feel comfortable or know how to process their feelings. So let’s unpack why it can be so hard for men to feel and how they can start.

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