I won’t lie: Being in a multicultural relationship has many challenges. You need to have an open mind and be willing to do things “the other way” when necessary. Yet attraction, love, and understanding are ultimately the only things a couple needs to survive. My relationship – like most relationships – is all about embracing the good, the bad, and the ugly.

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Do you ever wish you could get to a place of feeling happy with yourself, but don’t know how? Then meet Lex Croucher, aka Tyrannosaurus Lex. She believes in her own abilities and worth, but she wasn’t always this confident. Check out her funny, practical advice on breaking through toxic messages and low self-esteem to learn how to appreciate who you are.

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CW: Addiction, Sexual Assault, Sex… in general. This article is about sex. I have always had a negative relationship with sex. I discovered masturbating early, around six or seven years old. I would use masturbating combined with my active imagination and constant daydreaming as a way to escape the loneliness and isolation I felt not…

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When I look at myself in the mirror, I do not see an Asian face. I see me. It’s not until I step outside and interact with others that I am forced to realize: I am an Asian female, and I look different. Is being Asian and American mutually exclusive? How do we negotiate the hyphen in Asian-American? It’s about staying true to the person I see in the mirror every morning.

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People often talk about thinness, and the desire for thinness as a given. It’s so ingrained in our culture (thanks, $58.6 billion diet industry) that we don’t often ask the question “Why do you want to be thin?” What would being thin mean to you? I want to break apart some thinness myths. Let’s take a closer look at nine supposed benefits of being thin.

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One of the most common questions I get from prospective clients is this: “If I practice Health At Every Size, will I gain weight?” And here is the answer I pretty much always give: “I don’t know. But I do know you will FEEL much happier and more at peace with your body.” Maybe unsurprisingly, not everyone is too keen on my answer. So let’s talk about weight.

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Telling the truth is hard. There’s social pressure to see things in certain ways and to tell certain premeditated status-quo enabling truths. Society coerces us into telling a narrative that doesn’t reflect the truths that we know, but rather the truths that society so desperately wants us to believe. But we can do better for ourselves – and for others.

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Hate it when guys use tired pick-up lines and comment on your ethnicity if you’re a woman of color? Watch this epic feminist smack-down which also delivers a blistering critique of Westernized beauty culture. This award-winning short film was directed by Karen Lum and features spoken word from Adriel Luis.

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American media has a history of ignoring the marginalized in our society, including America’s poor. “But wait! I can think of an example!” Perhaps you can. But unfortunately, media representation isn’t enough; diverse and accurate media representation is essential. Here are four examples of cliche representations of poor people that don’t fit that bill.

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