Thanks to medical advances, HIV is not a death sentence as it used to be. Yet ignorance about HIV/AIDS continues to lead to stigmatization of people with the disease and the testing associated with it. This needs to stop and it needs to be seen as moral-neutral as cancer so more people will be proactive about their health – not too ashamed to understand it.

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Co-parenting — two people contributing to the parenting of the same child or children while leading separate lives — comes in a lot of different forms. But the best-case scenarios, especially amongst the ruins of past relationships, are voluntarily cooperative (and not begrudging) where both parties can selflessly work toward the benefit of the child. But how do you do it successfully?

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Being happy in a relationship is nearly impossible if you feel unlovable. You’ll either ignore your needs and act from a place of keeping your partner happy rather than yourself or push your partner away in order to confirm your belief that you’re unlovable. But we all have flaws and being lovable doesn’t mean being perfect. So here are a few steps to help you believe that you are, indeed, lovable.

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You’ve seen the statuses (“I said YES!”) and the ring selfies (“He put a ring on it!”). You’ve also memorized the jewelry store slogans. Everyone, it’s here. It’s engagement season. And if engagement season makes you contemplate a swift death, you’ve come to the right place. Put the chocolate and wine away, because here are some healthy ways to sift through the engagement season frenzy.

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There seems to be a disconnect between the reality of eating disorders, and what most people think is the reality of eating disorders. Our media misrepresents EDs so much that most people don’t recognize their complexity. Here to lay down the facts is Melissa A. Fabello! Whether you’re trying to learn more about EDs, or are feeling frustrated and alone, be sure to watch Melissa’s informative video.

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In her coming out speech, Ellen Page confessed that she felt as though she was “lying by omission” in her failure to explicitly confirm her sexuality. The HRC posted a headline congratulating Page on her decision to “live authentically.” “Lying,” “omission,” and “authentically” all strongly connote deception. And that just doesn’t sit well with me.

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I like my body! I may even love my body! More days than not, I look at my reflection and smile with gratitude. And this is a huge deal – because for the majority of my life, I wanted to crawl out of my own skin. It was a long and complicated process that has taken me nearly two years of hard work, but here are some of the major factors that led me to where I am today.

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