It’s the affirmation that every woman allegedly wants and even needs to hear: “You’re beautiful.” Like many girls, this author aspired to be beautiful. If she wasn’t beautiful, she thought, how could she put my best self forward? How could she designate herself as worthy of someone’s time? Not feeling beautiful becomes almost threatening. Which prompts the question: Why?

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As feminist allies to survivors, we must believe that a survivor’s account of their sexual assault is true. Please read this article to understand why — even if we experience their account as disoriented, foggy, or even factually incorrect — we must understand that they are still telling their own deepest truth, and we must honor that. Survivors deserve our support.

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From the way it was presented to me, I knew my disability was something negative; something no one wanted. So I was placed in Special Ed, because that’s what people do with you when they can’t figure you out.

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Becoming a mother is not easy and society doesn’t make it any easier. There’s constant pressure on mothers to be sure they are doing everything “perfect” to raise their children or else they’re be screwed up. And that fear can seriously mess up your ability to figure out what your child and you, as a mother, need.

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