Think of the last time someone told you they were bi. Did you tell them it was a phase? Did you imply that they should just choose one? Did you call them greedy, confused, or liars? If so, you’re contributing to the very real problem of biphobia. This video is for you. Watch three bisexual people school you on why you should stop saying these things.

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Tackling an issue near and dear to her heart, Everyday Feminism’s Editor Melissa A. Fabello discusses the media’s bad excuse for lesbian and bisexual representation in TV and film. More importantly, she talks about the ways that misrepresentation and sexualization can have negative effects on how the world treats queer women and ways that you can make change.

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Bisexual folks have been made the butt of so many jokes, have had their identities excluded from queer communities, and have been accused of perpetuating transphobia and the gender binary. But the castigation of bi identities from queer and gender non-conforming movements reinforces a prejudice that harms people across the gender and sexuality spectrum.

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Despite all of the gains the LGBTQIA+ community has made, bisexual people are still looked upon with confusion — or outright scorn — by gay, lesbian, and straight people alike. Here we are in the supposedly enlightened year of 2014 – and yet, biphobia persists. Here are a few tiresome lies society really needs to stop telling about bisexual people.

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As awareness of gay relationships is rising, there’s one group that often gets ignored: bisexual people. Many people can’t grasp that sexual attraction doesn’t have to be limited to one gender. And this can lead to some internal conflicts for bi folks. In this video, one bisexual activist shares her experiences of not feeling queer enough for the queer community.

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