Two teenagers watching TV, looking dissatisfied

When you’re a teenager, your life is all about glamour, adventure, and romance, right? Well, no. But that’s what’s on TV. And while TV’s fictional stories may seem harmless, they can set up unhealthy expectations of how your life is supposed to be. So here’s the real deal – why your reality is valid. How has your teenage experience been different from TV?

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Have you ever noticed how violent our language is? Even when we aren’t even talking about anything inherently violent itself? You’ve probably also noticed that that’s a lot of sexual violence. This language might seem unimportant or coincidental, but our language shapes the way we see our world. So how can every one of us work to stop using language derived from sexual violation?

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Women’s rights in the United States have come a long way. But as we reflect on the remarkable progress the feminist movement has made in creating a more just and equal society, I challenge us to also look ahead to our next few decades of work. By 2040, let’s make sure young feminists can marvel at the following ten things that women of our generation were once not able to do.

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Almost all of these myths stem from the assumption that trans women are really men, and considering us through a male frame of reference. So if there is one myth to debunk from which all others would perish, it’s the notion that our gender is not legitimate. We are women. But if you need further explanation, let me break it down for you with these 13 myths.

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