Person covering ears and screaming

Folks in the media are notorious for saying abysmal things about survivors of sexual violence. But for most survivors, it doesn’t take a media spotlight to beget insensitive, uninformed, and downright erroneous remarks about their experiences. Unfortunately, it’s something they face every day. So here are some things we should stop saying to survivors – immediately.

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Here’s your Weekly Feminist Round-Up, a collection of the top sociopolitical news stories and creative justice-focused content from around the globe. This week: Janay Rice speaks out about those racist DV Halloween costumes, updates from the missing Nigerian girls, and the unspoken problem with that video about street harassment in New York City. Check it out!

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The problem of youth homelessness is not often addressed. And when the media does bring attention to it, the discussion is often clouded by victim-blaming, misinformation, and an unfair representation of the situation. So let’s set the record straight with these five important facts about the real lives of the homeless youth population in the United States.

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Male allies are extremely important and valuable to the feminist movement! They use their positions of privilege to further the cause in ways that women can’t, and for that we’re grateful. That said, there are a few trends in male feminist behavior that could definitely stand to change. Watch Melissa A. Fabello give a few tongue-in-cheek reminders to male feminists.

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Although they do a majority of their learning through observation of their peers in social situations, children’s groundwork for understanding gender is largely influenced by the adults they see in their family systems. If you don’t talk about gender, children will learn society’s gender model. Here are five ways to facilitate your child’s gender autonomy.

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“Agender” by definition means “someone without gender,” and falls under the big, colorful trans umbrella. While the identity is easily summed up in a sentence or two, the concept is where people seem to get lost. So, here’s a guide to the most common assumptions, faux pas, and outright weird notions about people who are agender that pop up in everyday life.

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Our daughter is Autistic. With the right accommodations and supports, she can have everything she wants out of life – but there’s a lot to do as parents between now and adulthood. So how do we go about raising a confident young woman in an ableist world? I think that the answer lies at the intersection of supporting feminism and destroying ableism.

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As a gay man, you have male privilege but being gay complicates that, making you seem less-than in many people’s eyes. Many bigots see you as being like a woman or wanting to be a woman, which some gay men will internalize as negative. Feminism looks at that thought and says, “What’s wrong with being a woman?” I needed to hear that message at 18, and I still need to hear it now.

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Due to the “no public funding for abortions” mantra, since 1976, the Hyde Amendment has denied federal Medicaid coverage of it and a shrinking number of state Medicaid cover it. So 1 in 4 women who would have had a Medicaid-funded procedure if funds had been available are unable to obtain one. That’s too many low-income women who essentially had their choice taken away due to their income level.

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Being trans* often draws out a curiosity where people want to ask all sorts of invasive questions. It’s understandable given the lack of discussion on trans* issues. But people often ask about things that are neither their business nor relevant to their relationship. So if you are with someone who’s out and is knowingly open to questions (like me), here are some guidelines to follow on how to respectfully ask questions about being trans*.

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Thanks to medical advances, HIV is not a death sentence as it used to be. Yet ignorance about HIV/AIDS continues to lead to stigmatization of people with the disease and the testing associated with it. This needs to stop and it needs to be seen as moral-neutral as cancer so more people will be proactive about their health – not too ashamed to understand it.

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