One red figure raising its hand among a group of gray figures

Self-determination – making your own choices – is so important. But let’s be careful about the difference between self-determination from a colonial perspective and how it’s defined in Indigenous struggles. If we don’t, it can be used to actively perpetuate marginalization and hurt disabled people. Here’s how you can take up self-determination in a justice framework.

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“Good fatty” is usually used to describe a fat person who at least believes in the socially constructed viewpoint that their number one goal in life should be losing weight. But upon closer inspection, there are a few “good fatty” archetypes that we, as a society, depend on – all with their own unique purposes in the fat-antagonistic machine. Here are twelve to consider in your activism.

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When I witnessed female classmates dropping out of school at an alarming rate with the express purpose of getting married and starting a family, I wondered, “are traditional gender roles what we fought for?” But later I realized the most important thing is to offer men and women the right to choose their own life path and not feel like their choices are restricted by their gender.

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(Trigger warning: violence against women.) Misogyny is omnipresent in our society, but it has an especially widespread presence in video games. Female characters in games (if present at all) rarely play any significant role. Instead, they’re often reduced to background decoration used to advance the male protagonist’s journey — often through hypersexualized and/or violent means.

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I am most certainly plus-size at 5’6″ and 260 pounds; a size 18 in most stores. I’m pretty damn fat and unabashedly so. But all bodies–large, small, and everything in between–pay dearly for the negativity in which fat bodies are perceived. So I’m here to explain to the world the 6 things that are often misunderstood about the fat acceptance movement.

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Almost all of these myths stem from the assumption that trans women are really men, and considering us through a male frame of reference. So if there is one myth to debunk from which all others would perish, it’s the notion that our gender is not legitimate. We are women. But if you need further explanation, let me break it down for you with these 13 myths.

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Many people have no idea what does and does not constitute harassment. Here’s the thing: in our society, men are taught to feel sexually entitled to women. So many men who approach women in public spaces feel they “should” respond positively to their overtures – and then get upset at them when they don’t. Here’s some concrete examples of how this shows up.

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For bisexual people, representations of our identity in the pop culture world seem to fall into one of two categories. The first is absolute erasure: We encounter TV shows, movies, news reports, songs, trends, books, and essays that refuse to acknowledge the existence or validity of bisexuality in any way. On the other hand, the recent…

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