Make no mistake: Paid sick days are a feminist issue. And they’re one of those job benefits you don’t realize you want until you suddenly need them. The ability to take time off when you or a family member is sick impacts your health, well-being, and financial security. You shouldn’t have to choose between your paycheck and your health.

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I have been reflecting a lot lately on how I can be a better ally. And as we wade our way into 2015, I suppose now is as good a time as any to consider some ways that any person who wishes to act accountably as an ally can do better in 2015. So here’s my list of 30 ways that those of us who strive to act in solidarity and allyship (most notably inclusive of myself) can be better allies.

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I’ve spent a lot of time and effort removing myself from body disparagement zones and have gotten comfortable with the idea that people can look like anything and it’s all good. Until I am reminded how many people out there live in a state of perpetual self-denial, self-denigration, and self-destruction just because of their fat. It is to those fat girls and to all of us who need a refresher course in body acceptance that I offer these Ten Rules.

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Self-care is a revolutionary act when living in a world that tells us we—especially those of us with marginalized identities—are not worthy of care, forgiveness, and gentleness. It allows us to fight back against oppression by affirming that yes, we do deserve to feel good. We are inherently worthy of care and attention, and we shouldn’t feel guilty for it.

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Young person looking toward the camera in a sunny room

Have people tried to define your race, make assumptions about your identity, or call you “racially ambiguous?” Your race is yours to determine. In a society that invalidates multiracial identities, reclaiming your identity is both an act of preservation and a political act. So here are some affirmations to help you come back to your own skin, your own identity, your own self.

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Person looking unhappy

It takes a lot to overcome society’s fatphobia and love your body. When fat-shaming comments come from your own family, it can feel downright impossible. So what can you do? Follow this author’s journey through shame and guilt as her family led her to believe that being fat was something to be sorry for, and read how she stopped apologizing for her body. (Trigger Warning: Fatphobia)

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I used to dread the day when I would no longer be attractive to men. And now that I’ve become invisible to so many, it floods me with triumph, every time, that I am finally free of something that I hadn’t recognized as confining. How absurdly, deliciously, triumphantly funny it is that I ever cared. But I am older now, and I can get so much more done this way.

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