One of the most common questions I get from prospective clients is this: “If I practice Health At Every Size, will I gain weight?” And here is the answer I pretty much always give: “I don’t know. But I do know you will FEEL much happier and more at peace with your body.” Maybe unsurprisingly, not everyone is too keen on my answer. So let’s talk about weight.

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I lived a very long time with the belief that my body was my enemy. I believed it had betrayed me, swallowed me up, and that the real me was deep down somewhere inside. Because I was a girl, self-hatred was part of my cultural inheritance. My life began when I stopped trying to lose weight and set my mind to losing hate. Because I only get one body, and I will fight for it, not against it.

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We’re told everyday that fat is unhealthy and dieting is healthy. Often people who say “fat is bad” do so from a place of alleged concern. But this is called concern trolling – worrying about someone health and weight in a way that says they can’t be trusted to make decisions about their own bodies. It also reinforces ideas about fat that are untrue. So I’d like to present you with some facts here to debunk these myths.

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