The Body Is Not An Apology

That was the spoken word poem that launched The Body is Not an Apology (TBINAA), a global movement committed to radical self-love and body empowerment. TBINAA sprang from a viral selfie share and has grown from a Facebook Page into a coalition of over 33,000 people in 42 countries who share a commitment to living unapologetically and celebrating their ages, racial identities, sizes, abilities, gender identities, sexual orientations, and every other aspect of their humanity.  

The next exciting phase of TBINAA is launching a new website featuring an online magazine, social community, courses, and webinars to support people around the world reclaiming radical self-love for their bodies and their lives. Learn more in the video below and support the new site here!

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Sonya Renee is an award winning poet, activist and transformational leader. She is the founder of the intersectional international movement The Body is Not An Apology, and created the RUHCUS Project (Radically Unapologetic Healing Challenge 4 US). Sonya is also a national and international poetry slam champion, author and educator who has mesmerized audiences across the US, New Zealand, Australia, England, Scotland, Sweden, Canada and the Netherlands as well as in prisons, mental health treatment facilities, homeless shelters, universities, festivals and public schools across the globe. Visit her website to keep up with her many inspiring projects.

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