The Problem with the Overfocus on ‘Stranger Danger’ and Why We Need to Listen to All Survivors

Almost everyone agrees that sexual abuse is horrific and that no one deserves to suffer it. And yet, there are things we all do that help abusers get away with their actions.

In this video, psychologist Dr. Nina Burrowes explains how our society’s tendency to see stranger rape as the primary “real” type of sexual violence stops us from acknowledging assault when that’s not the case – which is the majority of the time. In fact, perpetrators are more likely to target people they know because they know they’re less likely to be report.

So check out this video explaining why need to broaden our understanding of sexual violence in order to better listen to survivors and acknowledge it every time it happens.

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Dr. Nina Burrowes is a psychologist who specializes in the psychology of sexual abuse. She is the author of ‘The courage to be me’ an illustrated book about life after sexual abuse and ‘Responding to the challenge of rape myths in court’ a report that helps prosecutors of rape cases use psychology in their work. You can watch the other videos in her series ‘Sexual abuse – The questions you’ve never had a chance to ask’ here and follow Nina on twitter @NinaBurrowes.

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