How One Grandma Came to Accept Her Queer Granddaughter

Coming out is never easy — but coming out to family members is, for some LGBTQIA+ folk, the hardest part. For many of us, our families are forever. And the thought of not being accepted by them can be terrifying.

Check out this video by Camille Beredjick of GayWrites for a wonderful reflection from an accepting grandmother about how to deal when families don’t accept you the way you are.

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Camille Beredjick is a blogger and LGBT rights activist living in New York. In 2010 she started GayWrites, a daily blog covering LGBT news, media and culture, and last year she launched a YouTube channel where she talks more personally about issues of queer identity, representation and self-acceptance. She studied journalism and gender studies at Northwestern University and works in communications at an LGBT nonprofit. Follow GayWrites on Tumblr and YouTube, or tweet Camille directly at @cberedjick.

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