One Poet’s Response to an Obscene, Sexually Objectifying Question

Venessa Marco was just trying to buy lunch when a man asked her if she “knows how to deep throat.” And this isn’t an isolated incident.

Most of us can remember a time when we were going about our days — walking down the street, buying lunch, waiting for the bus — when all of a sudden, we’re reminded that a man doesn’t view us as a person. He views us as an object.

How do you respond in those cases? What’s going through your mind?

Check out this awesome poem by Venessa Marco to see how she handled the situation.

Video courtesy of Button Poetry. For more amazing spoken word performances, check them out on YouTube and Facebook.

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Venessa Marco is an African -Caribbean writer by way of Cuba and Puerto Rico. She currently resides in Harlem, New York. She was a member of the 2013 Nuyorican Poets Cafe slam team, which placed 3rd in the nation. In 2014 she participated in the Women of the World Poetry festival in which she placed 6th out of over 80 candidates. Check her out on Twitter @marco_venessa.

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