How Transphobia in the LGBTQIA+ Community Tarnishes Our History

Do you know who threw the first punch at Stonewall? Do you know when the movement changed from “liberation” to “pride,” and why?

If you care about justice for LGBTQIA+ communities, you have to know this history.

Laverne Cox gets into the details of how the transgender women at the forefront of the battle for our liberation were mistreated in the movement.

Don’t miss these crucial lessons on why we must fight transphobia and end patriarchy, racism, and classism in the LGBTQIA+ community.

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Laverne Cox is a critically acclaimed actress who currently appears in the Netflix original series Orange is the New Black, playing the groundbreaking role of “Sophia Burset,” an incarcerated African American transgender woman. Laverne is the first trans woman of color to have a leading role on a mainstream scripted television show. Time Magazine named Sophia Burset the 4th most influential fictional character of 2013. A renowned speaker, Laverne has taken her empowering message of moving beyond gender expectations to live more authentically all over the country. Her insights have been featured on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NPR, HLN, VH1, FOX NEWS LATINO, among other national TV and radio networks.

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