5 Things You Should Know About Being Genderqueer

The concept of being genderqueer can be confusing for folks who aren’t really sure how it differs from identifying as trans or non-binary or gender non-conforming. It can also be confusing for people who just want to know how to be best supportive.

It can even be a confusing experience for genderqueer people themselves!

So watch Jacob Tobia unpack some of that confusion.

-With Love,
The Editors @ Everyday Feminism

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Jacob Tobia is an advocate, writer, speaker, and consultant committed to justice for gender non-conforming, genderqueer, and transgender people. In 2012, Jacob began blogging for The Huffington Post. Since then, they have been featured on MSNBC, MTV, The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Nation, Huffpost Live, and more. They have also received multiple awards for their organizing work including the Point Foundation Scholarship, the Harry S. Truman scholarship, the Oliver Koonz Human Rights Award, and the Campus Pride National Voice and Action Award. You can check out their website and follow them on Twitter at @JacobTobia

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