Signs Your Anti-Oppression Space Isn’t as Welcoming as You Think It Is (With 3 Steps to Make It Better)

Do you believe your communities are safe and welcoming for all? This comic shows some of the ways you can tell if not everyone feels that way.This practical information is vital to our understanding of why intersectionality is a priority.

It’s not about you being a good or bad person, but having better tools – so here are the tools you need to create safer spaces.

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism


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Rhea Ewing is a Contributing Comic Artist for Everyday Feminism and a queer artist living in Wisconsin. Rhea is involved in a number of comic projects, including the monthly comics challenge site “The Radome” and a 350+ page nonfiction graphic novel about gender identity in the Midwest called FINE: A Comic About Gender. You can find more of zir work at and or connect on Twitter @finecomic. Check out zir work here!

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