Why Do Women Talk Like Kim Kardashian?

Is Kim Kardashian a vocal trendsetter?

You might associate her and other young women with certain speaking styles, like vocal fry or uptalk – the “valley girl” accent. And you may not be surprised that studies show negative opinions of women who speak this way. But do you know about the underlying functions of this communication style? It’s deeper than you might think.

Let vlogger Marina Watanabe break down the sexism behind our biases and the full context of why women talk like this.

– With Love,
The Editors @ Everyday Feminism

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Marina Watanabe is a Contributing Vlogger for Everyday Feminism and is a vlogger, blogger, overenthusiastic tweeter, college student, and creator of embarrassing literary tees. Her passions include putting off responsibilities and being sarcastic on all social media platforms. She is majoring in Women’s Studies with a minor in Communications at Sacramento State and hopes to continue using social media as a tool to discuss and raise awareness for feminist and social justice issues. She also runs a Tumblr called Everyday Harassment that serves as a safe space for women to share their stories and educate others on the nature and frequency of sexual harassment. Check out her Tumblr, or follow her on Twitter @marinashutup!

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