Your Cinematic Crush Is a Stalker (Um, and That’s a Problem)

Ahhh, movie magic romance. So daring, so swoon-worthy, so… stalkerish.

The media has an interesting way of presenting love to the masses. Namely, it takes blatantly abusive behavior and manipulates the audience into thinking it’s romantic. And that can be really dangerous.

Check out this comic to see examples of how those popular cinematic moments should have gone.

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism





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Alli was a Contributing Comic Artist for Everyday Feminism from 2015 to 2017. They are the creator of the webcomic PunkPuns and the vocalist of the L.A. queer feminist punk band P.I.T. Alli has a degree in English Literature, which is cheerfully wasted in pop literary criticism discourse on Tumblr.