Panel 1
(Two children playing)
Text: For some people, wanting children feels natural
Kid One: Ok, I’ll be the mom and you be the baby!
Panel 2
(Our main character, Cami, shaking her head)
Text: For others, choosing to not have children is a personal and private decision.
Cami: Not for me! No thanks! No way! Not now not ever!
Panel 3
(Person One talking to Cami, in a condescending manner. Cami, looking annoyed)
Text: However, this choice is targeted with invasive questions and statements.
Person One: You’re going to regret this when you’re older.
Panel 4
(Cami looking down at her body)
Cami: This is based on the stereotype that my “biological clock” will start ticking and suddenly I’ll want a baby.
Panel 5
(Cami’s uterus talking)
Cami’s Uterus: “I’m a uterus not a brain! I don’t make decisions!
Text: This is dehumanizing — my reproductive organs don’t take precedence over who I am and what I want to do with my life!
Panel 6
Cami: It’s sexist to assume I should live my life a certain way because I’m female. It’s my decisions that should be prioritized, not whatever foolishness you assume about my sex and gender!
Panel 7
(Cami holding a briefcase and multiple cats)
Cami: Society tells me that if I don’t have kids its because I’m either ‘married to my job’ or a ‘crazy cat lady’.
Panel 8
Cami: I can have a fulfilling and productive and exciting life without kids, hence my current decision to not have any.
Panel 9
(Cami as an older woman in a rocking chair, holding a robot baby.)
Cami: And we can’t predict what I will feel when I’m older! Maybe I’ll be fine with my choices! Maybe I will regret it and adopt a robot child. Who knows!
Panel 10
(Cami and Person Two talking)
Person: You just haven’t found the one yet!
Cami: “THE ONE!?”
Panel 11
Cami: This frustrates me so much, as if finding “the one” (a concept I don’t think I even believe in!) will automatically make me change my mind about something that has to do with MY body.
Panel 12
(a small drawing of a family as if drawn in crayon by a child)
Text: This is also troublesome because it puts pressure on those who do want children to force or rush into relationships to get those needs met, when the reality is there are a multiple ways to raise a family if you desire one!
Panel 13
Cami’s Mom: Cami, dear, you’re going to have a hard time finding a partner if you don’t want kids.
Panel 14
Cami: Mom!! I’m not the only person in the world who doesn’t want kids.
Cami’s Mom: well…
Panel 15
(Three sets of people, all smiling. The first person is alone with a banner that says ‘Single!’ on it, the next is ‘Single parent!’ and the third is ‘Married with no kids!’)
Text: Besides, you can’t tie together the desire for a partner and the desire to be a parent. Those are two different things that don’t have to correlate
Panel 16
(Person Three talking to Cami, with Cami sighing)
Person Three: I think it’s weird/strange that you — AS A WOMAN — don’t want kids! It’s such a rewarding sacrifice!
Panel 17
Cami: The point is: I don’t want to sacrifice my time/effort/energy/money to raising children. I totally respect that it’s rewards for some people, but not for me
Panel 18
(Cami holding a picture of two dads with two kids)
Cami: Also, there isn’t anything inherently “female” or “womanly” that make a person want kids.
Panel 19
(Cami’s mom again)
Cami’s mom: But it’s our natural role to be mothers!
Panel 20
(Cami holding two babies, distressed)
Cami: That’s not a thing! And this doesn’t feel natural to me. This feels terrible.
Panel 21
Cami’s Mom: But what about grandchildren?
Cami: Sorry mom, you’re not guilting me into living any way but my own!
Panel 22
(Cami and her mom talking)
Cami’s Mom: but my future grandkids…
Cami: I’m not responsible for your sense of fulfillment mom. I’m not having kids for you or for anyone else.
Panel 23
(Cami’s Mom has her hands clasped together while Cami is rolling her eyes)
Text: We shouldn’t have to ask women to justify the reason’s they don’t want kids. We need to trust that people what’s best for themselves…
Cami’s Mom: But I love babies!
Cami: Well I dont!
Panel 24
(Cami’s mom sighing while Cami pats her on the back)
Text: And not judge or criticize the way someone else is leading their life
Cami’s Mom: You’re right. You’re right. I know you’re doing what’s best for you honey. I’m sorry for the pressure and I love you.
Cami: Thank you mom. I love you too.