Heartbreakingly, Young Black and Latino Boys Ask ‘Why Am I a Target?’

“Our lives matter. And so did theirs.” This video uses #BlackLivesMatter in a creative way to put a face to who we’re talking about. Share to make sure others know, too.

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism

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Just Us Project is a new Multi-Media Series created by Filmmaker Kiri Laurelle Davis, that began as documentary but evolved into a movement. This media-series takes an inside look at youth of color lost, exploited and targeted within the Justice System. The project also uncovers many of the unconstitutional and loop-hole practices within the system, that are trapping minority youth and what individuals/organizations are now doing to fight back. Learn more about this project and ways you can support at www.JustUsProject.org. You can also check them out on YouTube and on Twitter @JustUsProject

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