Are You Dating Someone Who’s Bisexual? Check These 5 Assumptions

Editor’s Note: In some spots in this video, the language can be interpreted as enforcing a gender binary. Rest assured that both Everyday Feminism and Eliel Cruz recognize that a/gender is neither a binary nor a spectrum, but rather a myriad of identities and expressions (and including none).

Dating bisexual people comes with unique challenges, only because of the assumptions that we often make about bisexuality. Watch this video and check yourself.

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism

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Eliel Cruz is a New York-based freelance journalist writing on (bi)sexuality, gender, religion, and pop culture for, The Advocate, and Religion News Service. He is the president and co-founder of the Intercollegiate Adventist Gay-Straight Alliance Coalition, a 501(c)3 organization which represents six unofficial LGBT-straight alliance groups on Seventh-day Adventists educational institutions nationwide. Follow him on Twitter @elielcruz.

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