Essential Things to Think About for the Best Possible First Date with a Trans Woman

Check out this super cute comic to make sure you’re not perpetuating any anti-trans patterns. And have a great date!

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism

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The website mentioned in the comic is Early2Bed’s awesome sex guide for trans women and their partners.

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Luna Merbruja is a Contributing Writer for Everyday Feminism. She’s the author of Trauma Queen, an intern at Biyuti Publishing, international sorceress of performance art, and co-coordinator of the 2014 International Trans Women of Color Network Gathering. She’s currently working towards her career as a sex and trauma therapist.

Anna Bongiovanni is a Contributing Comic Artist for Everyday Feminism. They are a genderqueer cartoonist, zine-maker, and educator living in Minneapolis. They draw comics on gender, feminism, and queer issues. Besides Everyday Feminism, they also draw monthly comics for Autostraddle. A graduate in Comic Art from Minneapolis, they are currently working on their second graphic novel. More of their art can be seen on and on their blog. Follow them on Twitter @grease_bat

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