The Media Is Lying to You About Men’s Emotions, And It’s Really F*cked Up – Here’s a Healthier View

When was the last time you saw a positive media portrayal of a man expressing emotions?

The media tends to assign emotions by gender, and we all learn some really toxic messages from it. Do these ideas change anything about your ideas of gender norms?

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism



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K is Contributing Comic Artist for Everyday Feminism. They are a Canadian, non-binary, genderqueer, peoplequeer, mentally ill, critical feminist robot. They have a background in linguistics, information, privacy, and categorization, and human-centric design. They are the artist and writer for Robot Hugs, a twice-weekly webcomic about (among other things) gender, identity, feminism, mental health, and cats. Follow them on Twitter at @RobotHugsComic.

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