Here’s a Friendly Uterus to Bust the Menstruation Myths Getting You Down

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Have you run into conflicting information about periods? A lot of it’s wrong, and some of it is downright oppressive.

And just when we thought we knew it all, this adorable comic came along and surprised us. It probably has some new information for you, too – and you’ll love the valuable lesson about your relationship with your body.

With Love,
The Editors at Everyday Feminism



*Artist’s Addendum* Low iron levels are not a common result of a typical menstrual flow (though they are a common symptom of menorrhagia, or heavy menstrual flow). If you have low iron levels but are not experiencing heavy periods please consider seeing a doctor, since low iron levels in absence of other conditions can be a symptom of a more serious problem.”

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Alli was a Contributing Comic Artist for Everyday Feminism from 2015 to 2017. They are the creator of the webcomic PunkPuns and the vocalist of the L.A. queer feminist punk band P.I.T. Alli has a degree in English Literature, which is cheerfully wasted in pop literary criticism discourse on Tumblr.

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