Panel 1
Text: How I Got Help – Christine Deneweth
Panel 2
Crass talking and smiling. There is an arrow pointing to her hair with words that say “snazzy new haircut.”
Crass: Hi everyone! It’s me! Crass! I’m here to talk about the process of getting psychological help.
Panel 3
Crass talking and beckoning
Crass: Let’s get personal!
Panel 4
Woman sitting talking to psychologist
Text: First of all what is psychological help?
Text: Talking to a psychologist or psychiatrist
Panel 5
image of pill bottle opening with pills coming out
Text: Taking medications
Panel 6
Guy sitting talking to woman and another guy
Text: And group therapy
Panel 7
Text: Some less known about therapies:
Man with eyes closed and electrodes on head
Text: Electroconvulsive therapy: used when meds don’t work. There can be some memory loss but no brain damage
Panel 8
Man standing with magnets on the top of his head
Text: Repetitive Transcranial Magnet Stimulation: Magnets stimulate the surfaces of the brain that are inactive in certain mental disorders
Panel 9
image of scalpel
Text: Psychosurgery: surgery that removes or destroys damaged brain tissue to change behavior
Panel 10
Crass sitting with her head buried in her arms
Text: I refused all of it
Panel 11
Crass looking down sadly
Text: I felt like there was no point in getting help because I was so far-gone
Panel 12
Crass looking at a crystal ball with a ? in the center
Text: I couldn’t see a future for myself
Panel 13
Crass looking sadly at her friend who has a medal
Text: I was tired of watching my friends reach their goals while nothing happened for me. I was happy for them but empty inside
Panel 14
Crass crying with her hand over her face
Text: I wanted to die so I wouldn’t have to live through the uncertainty and frustration of stagnation
Panel 15
Crass scared and in-between two monster doctors
Text: I was also scared to go get help because I thought they would say mean things to me
Panel 16
Crass in straight jacket and padded room
Text: Maybe my diagnosis would be worse than I could have imaged
Panel 17
Crass looking down with an empty wallet in her hand
Text: How much would it cost
Panel 18
Crass with a skull for a head
Text: But mostly I felt like it was a waste of time because I was already dead
Panel 19
Crass sitting with friend and both smiling
Text: I went to my friends because they were who I confided to the most. They helped me see that I was worth it. And that it was strong to ask for help
Panel 20
Crass sitting and typing on her laptop
Text: So I did some research and found a place near-by that specialized in youth and college-aged patients like me.
Panel 21
Crass standing at sign in desk
Text: I was nervous, but I went in there and made an appointment
Panel 22
Crass sitting on examining table with doctor
Text: First I had to see a doctor and fill out a lot of paperwork because I was new
Panel 23
Crass sitting and talking with Psychologist
Text: I got to see a psychologist on my next appointment
Panel 24
Crass looking up at words
Text: First they looked at my symptoms to figure out a quick diagnosis
Panel 25
image of syringe
Text: But you have to keep in mind that this process take time. After three visits they took my blood before putting me on medication
Panel 26
Crass walking with backpack on
Text: I took each day at a time and waited for the medication to kick in
Panel 27
Crass looking up at words
Text: A few months went by and my diagnosis changed as my psychologist got to know me
Panel 28
Crass shouting and waving her arms
Crass: Medications take Months to kick in!
Panel 29
Crass shouting and waving her arms
Crass: And the medication they put me on didn’t work
Panel 30
Image of pill bottles
Text: But that’s part of the process. People react to medications differently. It takes a while to get it right
Panel 31
image of meds being thrown in the trash
Text: I got frustrated and quit taking my medication
Panel 32
Crass scared wit her hands up with the words HEY and Crass and birds around her
Text: But then the hallucinations and voices started to come back
Panel 33
Crass looking up
Text: I remembered that I could continue to live with these symptoms or be put on something new so I could function. So I decided to speak up
Panel 34
Crass talking to psychologist
Text: It was a simple fix. I just told my psychologist the medication wasn’t working and I was taken off of it and put on new ones that worked.
Panel 35
Crass standing confused with Depression, Anxiety, Bi Polar, and Schizophrenia around her head
Text : Getting diagnosed took two years. Psychologists need to observe you for a long time to rule out possibilities and find a diagnosis
Panel 36
Crass happy with the word Schizoaffactive Bi Polar over her head
Text: It was worth the two years to finally get diagnosed
Panel 37
Crass talking and smiling
Text: Being diagnosed was the best thing that ever happened to me
Panel 38
Crass typing on her laptop
Text: I was able to research my diagnosis and find information about myself and helpful ways to manage it
Panel 39
Crass typing on her laptop to another person
Text: I also had a way of reaching out to people that share the same experience as me
Panel 40
Crass talking
Text: Honestly, if I didn’t get this help, I wouldn’t be alive to make this comic
Panel 41
Crass talking and smiling
Text: I know myself betting and I feel better than I ever have
Panel 42
Crass smiling and talking
Text: As a better me I am more stable, caring, confident, positive, happy enthusiastic and I have my will to live back
Panel 43
Crass driving
Text: I’m finding myself ready to take on new challenges instead of avoiding them
Panel 44
Crass talking and smiling
Text: Please remember that you are important and you are loved
Panel 45
Crass smiling with her eyes closed
Text: You deserve to have the best possible life